PTE Scales

PTE Scales is a brand in a Finnish company that focuses on developing measurement systems, control systems and solutions to ease the everyday work in agricultural sector and industry.

For a few years, PTE tekniikka has been developing applications to improve the energy efficiency in the agricultural sector, as well as to ease the use of the work systems and the work itself.

Together with our partners we have developed a number of improvements to the agricultural sector, for example to grain drying. Grain dryers’ energy efficiency and usability have a lot of opportunities for improvement that will bring savings in both time and money.

The company’s trump card operates extensive experience in industrial electricity, hydraulics and measuring systems.

All products manufactured by the company are of our own design and handiwork. PTE tekniikka designs and implements measurement equipment, control systems and condition inspections also as custom-made designs.

In engineering we use our expertise in:

  •         Electronic design
  •         Electrical engineering
  •         Hydraulic engineering
  •         Automation engineering
  •         Programming
  •         Comprehensive measurement services and measurement equipment (condition monitoring and trouble-shooting)
Contact us

Contact us

Contact information

HydSupply Oy
Kuormaajantie 3
40320 Jyväskylä

+358 44 578 6653